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Ads - Publir Blog Mon, 14 Aug 2023 07:51:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Publir Achieves Recognition as a Google Certified Publishing Partner (GCPP) Mon, 14 Aug 2023 06:47:28 +0000 We’re excited to announce that Publir, a global technology platform, has been awarded Google Certified Publishing Partner (GCPP) status. This...

The post Publir Achieves Recognition as a Google Certified Publishing Partner (GCPP) first appeared on Publir.

We’re excited to announce that Publir, a global technology platform, has been awarded Google Certified Publishing Partner (GCPP) status. This recognition places Publir in an exclusive network of advertising technology businesses that have proven their expertise in helping publishers succeed within the industry.

The GCPP status underscores Publir’s commitment to offering publishers customized services that support sustainable growth and user-focused monetization. Publir’s core services include:

  • LiftAd: A platform that optimizes ad revenue.
  • Smart Paywall: A subscription model that deepens audience loyalty.
  • Crowdfunding: A system that enables direct financial relationships with engaged users.
  • QuickShop: An e-commerce platform that facilitates seamless purchases.

“Publir’s guiding principle is that good writing should pay well,” said Anand Ramanujan, Founder & CEO. “Being accepted into GCPP is a proud milestone and reflects years of hard work by the entire Publir team.” 

The Google Certified Publishing Partner status empowers Publir with access to resources that will enhance its ability to serve publishers even more effectively.

About Us

Publir was established by a team with a deep understanding of the challenges in the publishing landscape. The company focuses on delivering solutions tailored to the needs of publishers, with an emphasis on revenue growth and audience engagement.

The post Publir Achieves Recognition as a Google Certified Publishing Partner (GCPP) first appeared on Publir.

Boost Your RPMs with Publir’s Crowdfunding Tool: Diversify Revenue and Integrate Seamlessly with Social Media in an Unstable Advertising and Programmatic Environment Wed, 03 May 2023 13:22:05 +0000 Introduction In today’s ever-changing digital landscape, publishers are constantly seeking innovative ways to generate revenue and stay ahead of the...

The post Boost Your RPMs with Publir’s Crowdfunding Tool: Diversify Revenue and Integrate Seamlessly with Social Media in an Unstable Advertising and Programmatic Environment first appeared on Publir.


In today’s ever-changing digital landscape, publishers are constantly seeking innovative ways to generate revenue and stay ahead of the curve. With the advertising and programmatic markets growing increasingly unstable, it has become crucial for publishers to diversify their revenue streams to ensure financial sustainability. Enter Publir’s Crowdfunding tool, a comprehensive solution designed to empower publishers and help them achieve their revenue goals while integrating seamlessly with their social media accounts. In this article, we’ll explore the key benefits of Publir’s platform and provide references to studies that support our claims.

Diversifying Revenue Streams

A study by the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) revealed that diversifying revenue streams has become a critical strategy for publishers to thrive in the digital era. Publir’s Crowdfunding tool enables you to tap into the immense potential of your audience by offering various subscription models, one-time donations, and tiered support options. This comprehensive approach helps you build a loyal community while creating a more predictable and sustainable revenue source.

Easy Integration with Social Media

Publir’s Crowdfunding tool not only offers a versatile platform for revenue generation but also provides seamless integration with popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. This integration allows you to leverage your existing social media presence, making it easier for your audience to support your content and share your campaigns with their networks. Studies have shown that social media plays a significant role in the success of crowdfunding campaigns, and our platform helps you capitalize on this potential.

Net30 Payments

Prompt payment is essential for maintaining healthy cash flow in any business. Unlike other platforms that may hold your funds for 60-90 days, Publir guarantees Net30 payments, ensuring you receive your hard-earned revenue promptly every month. This commitment to swift payments helps you better plan your business expenses and stay financially secure.

Cap on Fees

While competitors often charge hefty fees for their services, Publir believes in a fair and transparent pricing structure. Our fee cap ensures you’ll never have to worry about losing a significant portion of your revenue to platform fees. This approach aligns with the growing trend of publishers seeking cost-effective solutions for generating revenue.

Revenue Guarantees

Publir stands by its product and is confident in its ability to generate results. That’s why we offer revenue guarantees, giving you peace of mind that you’ll see a return on your investment. This guarantee is supported by research highlighting the effectiveness of crowdfunding campaigns in generating revenue for businesses.

Customizable Solutions with Powerful Synergy

Publir’s platform is highly adaptable and can be tailored to your specific requirements, ensuring seamless integration with your existing systems and processes. Our Crowdfunding tool works in perfect harmony with our Ad Optimization, Ad Block Recovery, and Subscription solutions, providing you with a comprehensive suite of tools to maximize your revenue potential.

By combining the power of these solutions, you can cater to various audience preferences and ensure an optimal user experience. For example, you can offer ad-free browsing experiences to subscribers while optimizing ad revenue for non-subscribers. Additionally, our Ad Block Recovery solution helps you recover revenue that might have been lost due to ad-blocker usage, further enhancing your monetization strategy.

This level of customization and synergy is crucial for publishers, as it allows them to deliver unique experiences that resonate with their audiences and adapt to the evolving digital landscape.

Expert Support and Data-Driven Insights

Publir’s dedicated team of experts is always available to assist you in maximizing your revenue potential and ensuring a smooth user experience for your audience. Moreover, our advanced analytics provide valuable insights into your audience’s behavior and preferences, empowering you to make data-driven decisions that drive growth.


In an unstable advertising and programmatic environment, Publir’s Crowdfunding tool offers a reliable solution for publishers to diversify their revenue streams, raise RPMs, and seamlessly integrate with their social media accounts. With its customizable platform, expert support, and data-driven insights, Publir empowers publishers to thrive in an increasingly competitive market. To learn more about how our Crowdfunding tool can benefit your organization, please visit our website at

The post Boost Your RPMs with Publir’s Crowdfunding Tool: Diversify Revenue and Integrate Seamlessly with Social Media in an Unstable Advertising and Programmatic Environment first appeared on Publir.

Adblock Recovery: A Guide to Recover Ad Revenue Fri, 24 Feb 2023 12:09:05 +0000 The use of Adblockers has been on the rise since 2013, when they were first invented. According to a survey,...

The post Adblock Recovery: A Guide to Recover Ad Revenue first appeared on Publir.

The use of Adblockers has been on the rise since 2013, when they were first invented. According to a survey, around 40% of US internet users utilize an Adblocker to improve their browsing experience. The Adblocking trend is accelerating at a greater pace for mobile devices than the desktop. Adblocking has caused significant revenue losses for online publishers, amounting to the revenue impact of tens of millions. As such, publishers are keen to find solutions to mitigate the impact of AdBlockers and recover the lost ad revenue. In this short piece, we will discuss how publishers can capitalize on Adblocker solutions and increase revenues. 

Understanding AdBlock

Adblock is a software solution that improves user experience by preventing advertisements from displaying on the users’ web pages. Adblockers can come in the form of browser extensions and stand-alone applications or may be built into the browser. Generally, when a web page is opened, ad exchanges and networks communicate with the ad server using ad tags to display the ad. However, Adblockers detect the ad tags and prevent them from calling the ad server that loads the advertisement.

The boundary between ad blockers and content blockers is becoming increasingly blurred. As some Adblockers work on various filters that can be configured to a variety of content (besides ads), the broader term content blocker is often deployed. The most common Adblockers in the US include Adblock (50%), Adblock Plus (25%), AdGuard (19%), and uBlock Origin (16%). Adblockers work on most types of advertisement formats.

How Many People Use Adblock Around the World?

AdBlockers have become increasingly popular in the US and worldwide. Last year, there were 586 million AdBlock users enabled on mobile and 257 million Adblock users. A GlobalWebIndex survey revealed that 48% of Adblock users felt that there were too many ads online, 33% of them felt that ads lowered their loading speeds, and 47% said that the ads were irrelevant and annoying. Other users believed that ads compromised their online privacy and security, intruded into their online browsing experience, used a lot of battery life and data, and took substantial screen space. 

How do Adblockers Work?

How do Adblockers Work?

AdBlocker software is usually made of two pieces of code: filter lists and blockers. A filter list is a group of rules that define which elements have to be blocked. Like Adblockers, there are different kinds of filter lists, including those built-into browsers and stand-alone applications. Blockers are designed to block content that is configured in the filter list or Adblocker user settings. When the web page is loaded, the Adblocker compares the filter lists (including the specific elements the user has opted to block) it was supposed to block and the page code. Based on specific blocking rules, the blocker obstructs the ads from appearing on the user’s screen. 

Every Adblocking solution is different and unique, but most work by stopping calls to the ad-related servers that load the advertisement on the user’s webpage. When a webpage is being loaded, the Adblocker reads the elements of the page, identifies any calls to ad-related servers and sources, and then compares them with elements in the filter lists to block. In case of a match, those elements are blocked from being displayed on the user’s webpage. Adblockers can be configured to block specific elements from displaying on the page. 

Adblock Recovery Explained

Adblock Recovery Explained

Adblock recovery refers to the variety of solutions that publishers use to recover the revenue losses due to Adblock use. Adblock recovery solutions detect if the user is utilizing an Adblock solution, and they apply different methods to measure and report the revenue loss, whitelist the website, block access to the Adblocker based on site use terms and conditions, reinsert the ad, offer an alternative value exchange between the visitor and content publisher. Most publishers use a combination of these techniques to curate an effective Adblock recovery solution. 

Tools and Technology for Adblock Recovery

Some Adblocking solutions include:

  1. Adblock Detection and Analytics – Adblock recovery solutions begin by detecting the presence of Adblockers on the user’s webpage. Publishers need to review their recovery solutions as Adblockers constantly make improvements to undermine recovery measures. Additionally, there are solutions that measure the impact of Adblockers on your website revenue. This gives you an estimate of the money you are losing. 
  1. Website Whitelisting – Website allow listing or whitelisting refers to the process in which users allow certain websites to be exempt from their Adblocking functions. Without disabling their Adblockers, users can choose the websites they want to allow. Often users allow or whitelist websites with more sensible or responsible content with limited ads. 
  1. Ad Reinsertion and Replacement – Ad reinsertion is a technique in which the original advertisement is reinserted by bypassing the Adblocker, leveraging certain loopholes. This method is often criticized for not taking into account the user’s consent. On the other hand, ad replacement identifies the blocked ad and replaces it with an alternative ad. The ad is replaced with the consent of the user who has allowed “Standard Ads” to be displayed on their screen.
  1. Alternative Value Exchange – This means the variety of offers the publisher can make to the Adblocker to allow their content on the webpage. For instance, the publisher can offer the readers access to their paid recurring subscriptions in exchange for allowing their content. 

The above discussion underpins the need for Adblocking solutions in the ever-changing market. As Adblockers have evolved with time, so have Adblock recovery solutions. None of the Adblock recovery solutions discussed above are mutually exclusive. As noted earlier, the most successful publishers use a combination of these to get the most effective return. 

At Publir, we’re experts in the content monetization space, offering a one-of-a-kind unified platform for a diversified strategy. Our offerings focus on Ad Optimization, Adblock Recovery, Subscriptions, Fundraising, and Merchandising.

The post Adblock Recovery: A Guide to Recover Ad Revenue first appeared on Publir.

Adblock Recovery Strategies and Best Practices Wed, 22 Feb 2023 12:13:23 +0000 According to the 2021 PageFair Adblock report, 843 million devices are blocking ads, with 8% YoY growth on desktop and...

The post Adblock Recovery Strategies and Best Practices first appeared on Publir.

According to the 2021 PageFair Adblock report, 843 million devices are blocking ads, with 8% YoY growth on desktop and 10% YoY growth on mobile devices. As such, adblocking has caused significant revenue losses for major companies. Simply put, Adblock is a software solution that prevents advertisements from appearing on web pages. Modern adblocking solutions can be built into the browser, added as a browser extension, or work as a stand-alone application. Adblocking solutions can be effective in blocking ads and sometimes more. Some adblockers even block things that are not ads, including login paywalls, forms, site analysis, or subscriber content. A survey suggests that there are 75.4 million Adblock users in the US alone. However, interestingly, around 70% of Adblock users didn’t even realize that they were using Adblockers. This means some of these people might be willing to view the ads that they enjoy. As such, publishers that rely on advertisements must use certain strategies to circumvent AdBlockers. Some of the most effective strategies include the following:

Adblock Circumvention

AdBlock circumvention is one of the oldest industry techniques to navigate Adblockers. Adblock circumvention refers to injecting ads into web pages by exploiting technical loopholes. This means readers who have used Adblockers will still see those ads. For instance, obfuscating HTML/CSS and IDs prevents Adblockers from detecting those elements in the ad. 

While this technique might sound good on the surface, it has one huge problem. It is inherently anti-user. It completely overlooks the user’s decision to install and use an Adblocker and perpetuates the archaic advertising experiences that created the need for Adblockers in the first place. To counter circumvention attempts, Adblock vendors actively update their ad-blocking rules, which means circumvention is not effective at all times. And as such, it is not a reliable method for publishers. As a result of these shortcomings and issues, Adblock has fallen out of favor with the majority of publishers. 

Recovery Through Messaging

Recovery Through Messaging

Recovery through messaging means using direct messages or pop-ups to convince Adblock users to allow certain ads on their web pages. This pop-up can be a request to whitelist a particular website or get an “ad removal” pass (through a dismissable soft pop-up). Sometimes, publishers take a more aggressive approach by blocking the user from accessing any content before they whitelist the website or disable their Adblocker. 

Recovery through messaging is better than ad circumvention as it takes into account the user’s consent. However, this approach is not free of issues. Firstly, most users find pop-ups quite frustrating. In fact, pop-ups are exactly the kind of things that users want to avoid while using their Adblockers. For instance, a report suggested that 68% of users would simply exit the website if prompted by an Adblock wall. Secondly, recovering through messaging has a low conversion rate (10-15%), and publishers are able to monetize only a small subset of the audience. Thus, they experience diminishing returns over time. 

Hard and soft walls have unintended consequences for websites, like sudden increases in bounce rates and a corresponding effect on traffic and search rankings. These consequences can be extremely difficult and time consuming to reverse. If you have decided to choose recovery through messaging, consider the cost of losing some of your audience vis-a-vis the revenue generated through Adblock monetization. Sometimes, you might lose a substantial portion of your audience using message-based ad block recovery.

Acceptable Ads Committee

Acceptable Ads Committee

Acceptable Ads-Based Recovery works by showing non-intrusive, light advertisements to Adblock users who have opted for them. The Acceptable Ads Committee is an independent body that aims to create The Standard, a framework that defines what kinds and formats of advertisements are allowed and those that are excluded. Formats that interrupt seamless user experiences, like pop-ups, overlay ads, autoplay videos, interstitial ads, animated ads, pre-roll video ads, etc., are not included.

In the past couple of years, acceptable ads-based recovery has become a popular way amongst publishers to navigate Adblockers. Up to the end of 2020, over 200 million Adblock users signed up to receive Acceptable Ads. This number grew by 54% between 2014 (Q1) and 2020 (Q4). This demonstrates that readers are less hostile to acceptable ad-based recovery than other programs. 

Unlike Adblock circumvention and recovery through messaging, acceptable ads-based recovery takes the user’s agency into consideration. This means users who have consented to receive ads will see those ads. Compliant ads are shown to users who are interested in seeing them. Acceptable Ads do not obstruct the user from viewing the content, and users can opt-out at any time.
Adblock recovery has become a crucial part of publishers’ marketing strategies. However, publishers should consider their user’s consent while choosing their strategy. Acceptable Ads Recovery offers the best balance between the user’s agency and content monetization. At Publir, we’re experts in the content monetization space, offering a one-of-a-kind unified platform for a diversified strategy. Our offerings focus on Ad Optimization, Adblock Recovery, Subscriptions, Fundraising, and Merchandising

The post Adblock Recovery Strategies and Best Practices first appeared on Publir.

Growing Your Paid Readership: A Guide to Content Creation Mon, 20 Feb 2023 12:50:13 +0000 Content creation is the heart of maintaining a profitable paid readership. The main goal of content creation is to retain...

The post Growing Your Paid Readership: A Guide to Content Creation first appeared on Publir.

Content creation is the heart of maintaining a profitable paid readership. The main goal of content creation is to retain existing readers and attract new readers. Content creation is essentially an inbound marketing practice. Around 40% of marketers believe that content marketing is an essential marketing practice, while 81% say that their company sees content creation as a crucial business strategy. B2B businesses believe that content marketing is a successful instrument to nurture leads (60%), generate revenue (51%), and build an audience of survivors (47%). This demonstrates that quality content creation equals business growth. In this short piece, we will navigate through the guide for quality content creation. 

Understanding Your Audience

While your content can appeal to a variety of different audience groups, your goal should be connecting with your regular readers. Tailored content makes your audience feel important and valued. This means that these readers can become promoters of your brand. 

You need to truly understand your audiences and create buyer personas for targeted content marketing. For instance, if you are selling beachwear, you may want to write different content for those who live close to beaches (and visit frequently) and those who live far from beaches (and visit only a few times a year). Curate your content based on your buyer’s persona. 

By creating a buyer’s persona with your customers’ characteristics like profession, age, gender, industry, daily tasks, etc., you can target your messaging to different groups of audiences. 

Assessing Content Quality

  1. Relevant KPIs – You can assess the quality of your content by looking at the relevant KPIs, including dwell time, search visibility, and reader engagement. Search visibility shows the website’s content ranking amongst a variety of keyword combinations. Dwell time refers to the amount of time a person spends looking at your website’s content. Reader engagement measures your readers’ interests, thoughts, and opinions. 
  1. Use Data Analytics Tools – Instead of assuming what your audience likes or not, use the various data analytics tools to uncover the patterns of content sharing and engagement. Different data analysis tools can tell you how your content is being shared across various social media channels against your competitors. Find out what kind of content is the most successful and tap into that space to create more relevant content for your readers. 
  1. Content Audit – Conduct a thorough content audit to reveal the strength and weaknesses of your incumbent content strategy to make improvements moving forward. A complete audit assesses your link structure, current topics, metadata, etc. An audit helps you figure out the shortcomings of your current strategy, thus, allowing you to improve future content marketing campaigns. It is important to note that content strategy is not static, i.e., it should change with changes in market conditions, audience interests, and so on. Therefore, you might need to conduct content audits frequently throughout the year. 
  1. Engagement Statistics – The best way to assess the quality of your content is by monitoring your engagement statistics, including views, likes, subscribers, and comments. If you are new to the content creation space, look at what your competition is posting. What generates the most audience attention? Understanding what customers want will help you create content that will cater to their interests. 
  1. Check Page Traffic and Rankings – Use Google Analytics to check your page’s organic traffic, the number of keywords, and the ranking of those associated keywords. If you have written something that is of high value for your readers, your page traffic and rankings will organically go up. 
  2. Look at Your Competition – One way to assess your content quality is by comparing your content with your biggest competitors. See what your competition is putting out there and what kind of content is trending. Try to make content around similar topics by adding your unique touch to it.

Creating a Sense of Community and Belonging

Creating a sense of community and belonging is crucial to successful content creation and marketing. Your audience should not just be passive consumers of your content. They should feel as though they are a part of a community. One of the ways to make audience members feel a sense of community is by involving them in the process of content creation. Make the channels of communication transparent and incorporate their inputs. Acknowledge and appreciate your readers from time to time for their valuable time. Share content in a way that makes them feel they belong. This can be done with high-quality personalization and customization. Share content that makes them feel seen and heard. Use different ways to ask for your customer’s feedback and opinions in crucial business decisions. For instance, asking them in a poll what they think the next post should be about. This gives them a sense of belonging to a community where their opinion is valued. 
Content creation is an effective marketing practice that publicizes your brand and allows you to reach new readers. A good content creation strategy includes understanding your audience, assessing content quality, and creating a sense of community and belonging. As experts in the programmatic advertising market, Publir offers a one-of-a-kind unified platform specifically built to maximize earnings for digital content creators. We provide complete solutions for Ad Optimization, Subscriptions, Crowdfunding, QuickShop, and AdBlock Recovery.

The post Growing Your Paid Readership: A Guide to Content Creation first appeared on Publir.

Native Ad Optimization Guide for More Revenue Fri, 10 Feb 2023 11:35:26 +0000 Native ads are becoming increasingly popular amongst publishers as they offer a better non-intrusive user experience and generate more revenue....

The post Native Ad Optimization Guide for More Revenue first appeared on Publir.

Native ads are becoming increasingly popular amongst publishers as they offer a better non-intrusive user experience and generate more revenue. They tend to overcome the human tendency to ignore the banner and help publishers earn more from their advertisements by effectively blending with the medium and content.

Statistics suggest that native advertising will grow 12.5% YoY in 2023, reaching almost $98.59 billion. The largest share of native ads will be the native social ads on Facebook and Twitter. Therefore, it is imperative for organizations to learn to optimize their native to increase their revenue.

Understanding Native Advertisements

Native ads are advertising that seamlessly blends with the medium it showcases on. Native ads use the same format as the content of the website. For instance, a native ad can be an article on a website that contains editorial content. Native advertising is more user-centric as it does not intrude on the user experience on a particular website. There are three major components of native advertising :

  1. Ad Attribution: Since native ads look exactly like the content, they appear on the publisher’s website. Ad attribution helps users distinguish between the content and native ads by attaching a badge to the native ad.
  2. Advertiser Elements: These elements depend on the components provided by the advertiser.
  3. AdChoices Overlay: This is present in the upper right-hand corner of the native ad. The AdChoices overlay contains a link the advertiser provides to target specific customers.

Methods to Optimize Native Ads

There are several ways to optimize native ads to increase your revenue.

1.     Maximize the Relevance of Your Ads

Native Ad Optimization Guide for More Revenue

You want to display the ads that are most relevant to your audiences. For instance, if they are reading a post about wine, they should not get advertisements for bathroom tiles. Non-congruent ads do not lead to high conversion rates and affect your user’s trust. Relevant ads will lead to greater audience trust and higher revenue. 

As such, you must ensure that your ads are relevant to your audiences before placing them on any website. To check relevancy, act as the user of your website. If the ads displayed on the site seem relevant, stick with them. Otherwise, test different ad networks to find the most relevant one.

2. Use a Variety of Ad Networks 

As discussed above, users easily ignore default ad creatives and positions, which leads to fewer clicks on the advertisements and lower revenue. As such, advertisers must create several ads to make their campaign successful. A variety of different ad networks boosts audience engagement.

As your audience notices that you are offering newer and more relevant ads, they will become more interested. If the users have already seen the ad on their Facebook or Instagram, they will ignore your ad. Therefore, ad rotation is an effective technique to keep your readers engaged 

3. Be Honest With Your Readers

Native advertisements are meant to blend in with your website. They are supposed to elevate the users’ experience. Tricking your readers into clicking on these advertisements will backfire on you. Your readers are the lifeline of your website; if you trick them, they will not return to your page. Delineate your native advertisements from your website’s content. 

You don’t want the user’s disappointment and frustration when they click on your link only to discover that it was an advertisement. The ad should not be misrepresented in a way that the user clicks on it unintentionally.

4. Take Advantage of Automation

Leverage automation tools to optimize the ads on your website. For instance, automation through split testing is a great way to increase your native ad revenue. Split testing headlines are a common form of automation. In this, publishers can test two or more headlines through automation. The system automatically chooses the headline that receives the most user engagement and maximum clicks. 

You can also use automation to test font color and style. This will allow you to view metrics that work best for your audiences. 

5. Test Different Ad Layouts 

Like headlines, you can also test different ad layouts with the help of automation. You can find the ideal ad layout or placement that receives the most user engagement. Automation allows you to test pre-defined ad placements, track user behavior for each layout and test different ad units and sizes. Automation has become more robust than ever. Automated systems continuously optimize your website based on user behavior. 

6. Use Content Recommendation Systems 

While in-feed ads work for most websites, adding more story views provides a revenue boost to your website. This additional content may come in the form of widgets that allow users to view related stories or sponsored content. This allows users to redirect to other pages of your website and provides you with additional ad opportunities to generate revenue. By redirecting the traffic to other website pages, you increase user engagement and gain opportunities to earn additional revenue. 

7. Test Different Ad Types 

There are several ad types – CPC, eCPM and CPA. You can test these different ad types to see what works out the best for your website. 

  • CPC: Content-heavy websites generally go with the cost-per-click model. The eCPM model may be more relevant to you if you have more images.
  • eCPM: This is called earnings per 1000 impressions. This model is ideal for larger websites with a lot of traffic. It is a great way to earn revenue even when the users are not engaging with the content.
  • CPA: This is referred to as the cost-per-action model. It is related to affiliate marketing. In this model, you will earn money when a user signs up for a service and provides their information.

Just like other ads, testing is important in native ads to increase your revenue. Optimizing the ad layout should ensure that you are not tricking your users into clicking the advertisements. 

At Publir, we are committed to maximizing the revenue of content creators by offering holistic solutions for AdBlock recovery, ad optimization, subscriptions, merchandising, and fundraising. We use the best practices and automation tools to collect recurring revenue and engage users. Curious about ad optimization? Visit us here or email us at to get started today.

The post Native Ad Optimization Guide for More Revenue first appeared on Publir.

A Guide to Programmatic Advertising Mon, 06 Feb 2023 12:19:40 +0000 Programmatic advertising refers to the process of buying and selling advertisements in open digital marketspaces. Artificial intelligence and machine learning...

The post A Guide to Programmatic Advertising first appeared on Publir.

Programmatic advertising refers to the process of buying and selling advertisements in open digital marketspaces. Artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies manage the real-time placement, auction, and sale of digital advertisements. In traditional advertising, advertisers had to nurture a relationship with publishers to get their ads out. 

Manual ad placements limited advertisers’ capacity for fully targeted ad placements. The same ad was displayed in traditional advertising regardless of who visited the website. On the other hand, programmatic advertising offers a truly user-centric, tailored, intelligent, and highly personalized advertising message to the right audience at the right time. Programmatic advertising targets the right audience at the right time in their customer journey using geolocation, website cookies, and keywords. 

How Programmatic Advertising Works

Programmatic advertising has four components that place ads on different websites and platforms: demand-side platforms (DSP), supply-side platforms (SSP), and ad exchanges. 

  1. DSP: DSP is an interface platform where you can buy advertisements. Based on your criteria, demand-side platforms identify the best publishers and platforms for programmatic advertising. DSPs place a bid on your behalf using real-time bidding. 
  1. SSP: SSPs are used by publishers to make their website, radio, or channel spaces available for advertising and bidding. 
  1. Ad Exchange: Ad exchanges manage the auctioning and bidding process by connecting SSPs and DSPs. It is similar to the bidding floor of a stock exchange. It provides a space for negotiation for publishers and advertisers to come to an agreement. 

Methods for Programmatic Buying 

There are three main types of programmatic buying:

  1. Real-Time Bidding: Also known as open auction, real-time bidding sets the price of an advertisement in real-time based on the bidding. Real-time bidding is available for both publishers and advertisers and is considered a cost-effective way of purchasing digital ad space. Real-time bidding is one of the most popular ways to purchase programmatic ads. While controlling the pricing, advertisers get an array of choices. 
  1. Private Marketplace: It is an invitation-only space where publishers can offer their ad spaces to selected advertisers. The publisher puts out its space for auction, and advertisers bid on those spots. The publisher sets the prices and restrictions, but the purchases can be structured on campaign objectives. 
  1. Programmatic Direct: Also known as programmatic guaranteed, this process involves direct sales between publishers and advertisers. In this process, publishers can regulate and monitor the cost of the ad spaces while advertisers can buy premium spaces more transparently. This differs from RTB, as advertisers can buy a guaranteed number of ad expressions instead of bidding for one ad at a time. This method is more aligned with traditional advertising as it comes with a fixed price agreement. Often one publisher works with one advertiser toward a specific deal. 

Best Practices for Programmatic Advertising

Best Practices for Programmatic Advertising

Make programmatic advertising an invaluable part of your marketing strategy by following a few best practices

  1. Be Specific about the Goals You Want to Achieve Through Programmatic Advertising

Like all other digital marketing initiatives, set clear goals from the very beginning. To figure out your short-term and long-term goals, utilize your existing data and its trends. Build an effective marketing strategy based on those goals. Metrics like KPIs, profitability over time, and concentrated revenue streams are generally used by advertisers to measure the success of their advertisements.

  1. Understanding What Platforms to Use 

There are two kinds of programmatic advertising platforms: Self-service and managed service platforms. Self-service platforms give you complete control over your advertisement purchases by signing up. They are mainly demand-side platforms that provide advertisers with access to ad channels and publishers. 

Managed service means a third party, usually an agency, that will oversee all your programmatic advertising campaigns. They become an extension of your marketing team. This option is chosen if you need someone with deep knowledge, experience, and expertise in programmatic advertising. You will still be in charge of the creatives, branding, and strategy, but the external team will work with you to plan an effective marketing strategy.

  1. Preventative Methods to Minimize Bot Responses that Contaminate Your Data

Ad fraud is a crucial issue in programmatic advertising, costing advertisers millions of dollars annually. A recent Bad Bot Report by Imperva revealed that 40.8% of all the traffic on the internet in 2020 was non-human sourced. 25.6% of this came from malicious bots. To reduce ad fraud, ensure that your DSP works with verification vendors and has implemented Ads.text to reduce bot responses. Do not trust the deals that look too good to be true. Check that the ads comply with various privacy regulations and policies in relevant countries and states. 

  1. Is Your Team Skilled Enough to Make the Most of Your Gains from Programmatic Advertising?

As mentioned above, managed service providers are experts in programmatic advertising. They have years of experience working with clients in different fields. If you have more specific needs and want to make an impact on your readers, you should delegate the task to a group of experienced media strategists. They will collaborate with your marketing team to understand your needs and design the best marketing strategy tailored for your audiences. This saves time and money in the long run. 
As experts in the programmatic advertising market, Publir offers a one-of-a-kind unified platform designed to maximize earnings for digital content creators. We provide complete solutions for Ad Optimization, AdBlock Recovery, Subscriptions, and Crowdfunding. Curious to learn more? Visit us here or email us at to get started today.

The post A Guide to Programmatic Advertising first appeared on Publir.

Advertiser Uncertainty Stunting Ad Revenue Growth Wed, 28 Dec 2022 12:04:34 +0000 The economic decline in 2022 is highly alarming. According to the World Bank’s forecasts, the economy will grow very slowly...

The post Advertiser Uncertainty Stunting Ad Revenue Growth first appeared on Publir.

The economic decline in 2022 is highly alarming. According to the World Bank’s forecasts, the economy will grow very slowly in the next two years. It is forecasting only 3% global growth in the next year. There is much uncertainty about whether this economic decline is just a slowdown or a full-swing recession. Most marketers are just making educated guesses based on historical conditions. This means revising ad spending forecasts, correcting miscalculations, and redrafting plans. For instance, Zenith revised its forecasts after this year’s economic turndown. Earlier, it predicted global ad spending to grow at 9.1% in 2022, but it revised the forecast to 8%. Although it might not be a huge change, it does capture the uncertainty that sits in the minds of marketers these days. 

However, ad spending in western markets like Western Europe, North America, and the MENA region stand robust in the face of this turndown. Their growth forecasts for this year have not changed. This is because these regions have the strongest economies and consumer spending. Advertisers are more mindful of the channels they are investing in to ensure they have maximum returns on their investment. Last year, there was a huge growth in digital advertising in Europe. It touched $92 billion, growing by almost 30.5%. This year, it is estimated to grow just by 10.1%. Several platforms like Snapchat and Google have already forecasted that their advertising revenue will grow more slowly for the next two years. 

The Impact of Digital Endemics 

The growth of digital advertising in the last couple of years was mostly because of the “digital endemic” businesses that are now slowing down. This is due to high ad prices on Facebook, supply chain disruptions, high shipping costs, and the explosion of customers wanting to buy more from physical stores than online. These digital endemic businesses that contributed to the growth of digital marketing in the past are not growing at the same scale as they did during the pandemic. Additionally, the Russian invasion of Ukraine has increased market uncertainty. 

People are keen to go out and spend; however, marketers have to constantly pivot to meet the demands of customers. This means addressing and revisiting the fundamental questions of whether their value is still relevant to the changing consumer needs and financial pressures. 

The Case of Buzzfeed

Advertiser Uncertainty Stunting Ad Revenue Growth

Buzzfeed reported flat revenue in Q3 as it struggles with advertiser uncertainty and a drop in user engagement. The advertiser revenue was $50 million, the same as its Q3 revenue last year. The rate of revenue growth decelerated as compared to Q2 due to the uncertainty of consumer demand and continued price compression. Data suggests that the time spent across third-party platforms and properties owned and operated by the publisher has decreased by 32% YoY to just 151 million hours. This is because of declining traffic on Facebook videos, as there is an increasing interest in short-form vertical video formats. For Buzzfeed, the advertisement revenue from content monetization platforms like Facebook accounted for 20% of its revenue. Buzzfeed saw an increase in ad spending from travel verticals and financial services.

Even though most of Buzzfeed’s larger advertisers are renewing at the rate of 90%, their spending has reduced. Many techs, consumer service, retail, and telco advertisers are spending less than what they did last year. Sponsored content, the biggest source of Buzzfeed revenue, was up by 45% YoY, accounting for $38.4 million. This included revenue from short-form and long-form video content. However, the revenue from sponsored content slowed down as compared to Q2 due to constraints on ad budgets. Despite this, Buzzfeed remains bullish about its vertical short-form video offerings as the interest in vertical videos increases. This quarter Buzzfeed published 5,000 videos across TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube shorts. This number is twice what it was last year. Vertical video content views have grown by 60% when compared to Q2. The time for Q3 (151 million hours) does not include the time spent on TikTok and Instagram reels.

Customer spending during the holiday season and inflation are the two leading reasons for advertiser uncertainty. As such, they are looking to transact for shorter cycles and maintain flexibility in their budget. A lot of advertising partners are just looking at how the economy will play out. As the current market does not seem too great, companies need to prepare for further deterioration.

As demonstrated above, advertiser uncertainty in the current market has led to flat revenue growth. As the world comes out of the pandemic, customer behavior is changing and businesses are evolving. This has led to an increase in advertiser skepticism and uncertainty about where and how to invest.

As experts in the programmatic advertising market, Publir offers a one-of-a-kind unified platform specifically built to maximize earnings for digital content creators. We provide complete solutions for Ad Optimization, AdBlock Recovery, Subscriptions, and Crowdfunding. Curious about ad optimization? Visit us here or email us at to get started today.

The post Advertiser Uncertainty Stunting Ad Revenue Growth first appeared on Publir.
