Sachin Nath is the COO at ePainAssist.com, which is a revolutionary guidance website for people providing necessary information regarding pain and its management techniques. It has almost been a decade since Mr. Nath has been involved with the Pain Assist website. Even with no prior experience with journalism, Mr. Nath tried his hand in the trending technology of the internet through this website that has started to become quite a popular site among the patients.
Publir had a brief interview with Sachin Nath to get to know more about his work and the future prospects of his website ePainAssist.com. We wanted to comprehend the issues he faced while developing such a helpful website and the various monetization obstacles he had to face while developing the website. Read on!
1) Before we begin talking about PainAssist, can you share your journey into the world of News and Journalism?
Prior to starting Pain Assist (Epainassist.com), I and my partner Dr. Pramod Kerkar have had no experience working in the field of News and Journalism.
2) What gaps did you see in the Health Industry that led you to launch PainAssist?
We started almost 10 years back with a focus on Pain Management, there were not many options on the net providing information on pain and its management. Secondly, Painassist was founded by Dr. Pramod Kerkar who is Pain Specialist himself. The goal was to develop an informative health website that would provide high-quality comprehensive information on illnesses, injuries, and diseases resulting in acute and chronic pain and its treatment modalities.
3) Could you tell us about how PainAssist has evolved since its launch?
From starting our journey to providing information related to just Pain Management, today Epainassist.com has gone on to become a complete health information portal with almost 18,000 articles, 14,000 images, more than 300,000 followers on our FB page, and 300,000 subscribers on YouTube.
4) What are the primary revenue streams for the site? Could you give us an approximate % breakdown of these revenue streams?
Our primary source of revenue is on-page advertisements and that constitutes 90% of our revenue. Apart from advertisements, the other source of revenue is sponsored posts.
5) What are some of the challenges you face with monetizing the site?
Increasing the traffic to the website is the biggest challenge, monetizing the website is totally dependent on the extent of traffic to the website.
6) How much time do you spend on monetization – working with ad partners, troubleshooting ad issues, etc – versus managing content and growing the site?
95% of our time is just spent working on content creation and management, creating and adding images, videos, internal links, promoting the content on social media, and improving the performance of the website. Experimenting with ad placements and sizes is done on and off, it is not something we do every day.
7) Do you think the Indian Government will enact digital privacy laws similar to the European Union’s GDPR?
Yes. GOI has already tabled the DPA bill in parliament.
8) What are some new revenue streams that you would like to see on PainAssist in the next 1 to 2 years?
We have dabbled with e-commerce/dropshipping and video ads in the past but it has not worked for us. At this point, we have not thought about any other source of revenue. Our present goal is to increase the traffic and its corresponding ad revenue. We are certainly open to the idea of having additional revenue streams as long as it is promising.
9) What’s next for PainAssist? Any new areas that you’re working on?
We use to get decent traffic to our website earlier but have lost significant traffic in the past 3 years due to changes in the Google algorithm. Our immediate goal is to improve the traffic to the website at the earliest.
10) Publir helps publishers such as yourself diversify their revenue streams? Do you see your company using a service like Publir in the future?
We will always be open to the idea of increasing our revenue, but it should be result-oriented.
It was great to connect with Mr. Sachin and get some industry insights from the health blogging vertical. Publir Team is constantly working on connecting with industry experts to enlighten our audience with some useful insights like this. Check out Publir Blog, for intriguing content.