Deprecated: Redux::setHelpTab is deprecated since version Redux 4.3! Use Redux::set_help_tab( $opt_name, $tab ) instead. in /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/blog/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4717

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Reports - Publir Blog Wed, 05 Apr 2023 11:55:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Measure and Optimize Your Blog’s Performance With Google Analytics Wed, 05 Apr 2023 11:55:44 +0000 If you are running a blog or a content-oriented website, and you are not keeping an eye on Google Analytics...

The post How to Measure and Optimize Your Blog’s Performance With Google Analytics first appeared on Publir.

If you are running a blog or a content-oriented website, and you are not keeping an eye on Google Analytics metrics on a daily basis… We’ve got bad news for you.

Or good? Since if you’ve reached this far without metrics, imagine how much you will improve your website after you learn what we’re about to tell you. About 55% of websites use Google Analytics which means at least half of you need to start.

In order to improve the functionality of your blog website, you need to keep an eye on a number of key Google Analytics blog indicators. Here are some of the most crucial parameters to take into account:

What Are the Best Ways to Define Key Metrics?

How to Measure and Optimize Your Blog's Performance With Google Analytics

Typically, in a perfect world, you want a visitor to land on your website to stay there forever, keep reading from article to article and come back the next day. Of course, this is hard to do on the best day, but there are more than a few metrics that tell us how close we are to achieving it.

  • Sessions: This is the total number of visits made by users to your website. This measure provides you with an overall picture of the traffic to your website and may be used to spot patterns over time. There are several factors such as backlinks, guest posts, SEO, or paid promotion that can affect this number. It is extremely important to know what is the main driver of your traffic at all times.
  • Pageviews: The number of pages that people have visited. You may use this indicator to determine which pages are the most popular and which would benefit from improvement. And if this number is low, it means your content is probably not suggesting relevant content in the appropriate places. You should experiment with that through A/B testing
  • Bounce rate: The proportion of visitors to your website that only stay for one page. If consumers aren’t finding what they’re searching for, a high bounce rate may be a sign that your material has to be more relevant and high-quality.
  • Time on site: This is the length of time visitors stay on your website on average. You may use this indicator to determine how engaged your audience is and where your content needs to be improved to boost engagement. This is extremely useful if you are writing blog posts. You can compare each topic title by click-through rates and how relevant the content inside is by seeing how much time people spend on the specific page.
  • Exit rate: This is the proportion of visitors to your website that click away after seeing a given page. This measure can assist you in locating pages that may be driving visitors away from your website.
  • Acquisition channels: These are the avenues, such as natural search, social media, or direct traffic, by which consumers reach your website. You may use this indicator to choose where to concentrate your marketing efforts in order to increase website traffic.

How to Choose the Right Analytics Tools?

Undoubtedly the most popular and free tool you can use is Google Analytics. Make sure you get familiar with GA4 since it becomes the new standard on July 1st, 2023. Using Google Analytics for blog traffic provides thorough information on user behavior, website analysis, and channels of acquisition. 

It includes a variety of reporting options and data visualization tools, as well as integration with a number of website platforms. You can do pretty much anything with it. And it’s free.

The second most popular option is Adobe Analytics which is a complete analytics product with strong reporting and data visualization capabilities, as well as cutting-edge technologies like machine learning and predictive analytics. Large, enterprise-level websites with intricate analytics requirements are best suited for it.

Another option is a real-time analytics platform called Clicky offers comprehensive information on website traffic, visitor activity, and engagement. It has a simple user interface, customizable dashboards, and tools like split testing and heat maps.

How to Measure and Optimize Your Blog's Performance With Google Analytics

If you are running a straightforward content-oriented website, a simple google analytics blog setup is all you will ever need.

What Are the Best Metrics for Improving User Experience and Engagement?

Aside from all the metrics we mentioned at the beginning of the article, load speed and mobile friendliness are often neglected by blog owners and content-oriented website managers. Make sure you test every single way a user can visit and view your website. Check the amount of traffic you are getting from mobile users, Safari, and even tablets.

If you are losing users because you’ve forgotten to optimize something, your good intentions, and perfectly written content goes to the dumpster.

Get Started Right Away

Optimizing your website is an ongoing process. You don’t need to wait a couple of years for it to be “fully optimized,” and to be fair, there’s no such thing. The earlier you monetize your website, the more monetary resources you’ll have to spare for further optimization. Luckily, Publir offers a wide variety of solutions, from Adblock recovery to Ad Optimization and enabling paid subscriptions on your website.

The post How to Measure and Optimize Your Blog’s Performance With Google Analytics first appeared on Publir.

Which is better: Infinite Scroll or Load More Buttons? Thu, 19 Jan 2023 08:43:00 +0000 Do you get confused between choosing Infinite Scroll and the Load More Button for your website? Read our latest blog to get some clarity on both.

The post Which is better: Infinite Scroll or Load More Buttons? first appeared on Publir.

Infinite scroll

Data is present in almost every program, and that data must be displayed in some way. A list is a standard way of showing a group of facts, but it may rapidly grow extensive and difficult to read.

Infinite Scroll and the Load More Button are two prominent approaches for publishers to load their large data sets and website content. Both of these strategies have varied consequences on user experience, website loading time, and even ad revenue. As a result, publishers must evaluate a variety of aspects, including their aims and the sort of material on their site, to determine which strategy would best serve their needs.

In this post, we’ll go over all you need to know about Infinite Scroll and the Load More Button so you can decide which is best for you.

What is Infinite Scroll?

Infinite Scroll is a web design method that provides the user with an endless stream of content. Infinite scrolling, also known as endless scrolling, gives the user an impression that all goods are loaded at once, regardless of whether they really view all of them. As a result, when endless scrolling is properly handled, it may result in a very smooth and seamless experience. The user may simply navigate through the product list without being interrupted. There is no need for interaction; products emerge as the user scrolls down the page.

For entertainment resources, such as social networks, professional interaction design companies recommend employing continual page scrolling. The following are some of the benefits of infinite scrolling: simple and easy to use, especially on touch displays; loads rapidly; ideal for picture, drawing, and image-based material.

Infinite scroll

What are components of Infinite Scroll?

When there is no navigation bar, it is difficult to configure the page. The user will have to twist the tape all the way back to the beginning, which is time-consuming. The “sticky” panel is attached to the page at the top or bottom. The “you’ve seen all the news” button is quite useful. It provides the user with a sense of scroll extremity as well as the ability to monitor prior search steps.

Because there are no pauses during material consumption, such as clicking on a link to access the next page, it helps to prolonged engagement. The ability to provide limitless advertising is enabled by endless scrolling. As a result, Infinite Scrolling allows the user to accumulate more and more impressions as they scroll.

More ad impressions provided correlates to an increase in income per session when a user is engaged for a long period, i.e., scrolling. One may bring outdated information from the rear to the front for additional views by employing this navigation style. This is known as content discovery, and it’s especially useful if one has evergreen material that not only improves the user experience but also helps a company get more constant visitors.

What are Load More Buttons?

The Load More Button is a navigational approach that combines the best of both worlds. In essence, it inhibits Infinite Scroll by waiting until the next page of content has loaded before starting to load the advertising. In other words, it loads when the user requests it, such as when they click the Load More button at the bottom of the content/page.

You can, however, add the Load More Button to article pages that are limited in length. This provides them greater speed and better organization, which leads to additional content discovery opportunities.

It is preferable to utilize the load more approach when creating any list graphics on smartphones that do not support infinite scroll. This strategy should also be used if the app isn’t a social media app, in which case limitless scroll would be a preferable option.

Infinite scroll

What are the components of Load More Button?

Because it is not as widely used as infinite scrolling, this content presentation approach is deemed inferior. The Load more button is used in Google images and allows one to control the outcome; works well on mobile devices.

Load more buttons result in a lighter page since fewer resources must be loaded all at once. Page performance is improved since the user must physically click the button for more resources to load.

They let users to choose and regulate how much material is loaded, preventing them from being disoriented on the website. They allow publishers to place advertisements below the fold. Even if the page’s content doesn’t entice the visitor to interact, the advertising has a greater chance of being seen.

They do not render the remaining content’s resources until the user clicks on the button, which adds to greater viewability because the viewport does not reach capacity.

Final Thoughts

When deciding between Infinite Scroll and the Load More Button, your best bet is to consider the advantages and drawbacks of each after establishing which of the criteria relate to your content. Of course, you may get the best of both worlds by combining an Infinite Scroll with a Load More Button. It does, however, take some time to figure out. Using one — or a combination of — these strategies, enormous data sets may be shown in the most optimum way.

The post Which is better: Infinite Scroll or Load More Buttons? first appeared on Publir.

Understanding Ad Monetization Challenges Thu, 07 Apr 2022 09:32:51 +0000 Do you know increasing ad monetization revenue is somewhat difficult? Know more about the challenges in our new blog post.

The post Understanding Ad Monetization Challenges first appeared on Publir.

The process of monetizing your app through advertising revenue is known as ad monetization. On the surface, this appears to be a straightforward task: place adverts in the app and earn money. However, for app developers, increasing ad monetization revenue may be incredibly difficult.

Publishers should expect a number of big developments in ad monetization in 2022 and beyond. Preparing for these changes will include overcoming some obstacles, but they will eventually lead to ad monetization strategies that are more successful for publishers while also giving consumers greater control over their data and privacy. Customers, publishers, and advertisers will all gain from adapting to the ad monetization challenges of 2022.

What are some ad monetization challenges?

Be aware of the hurdles you’ll face and how to turn the face into the ultimate success story before diving head first into the pool of ad monetization. Some of the ad monetization challenges are described below.

ad monetization

Third-party data reduction

Third-party cookies have long been an important aspect of online data collecting and ad targeting, allowing publishers to learn more about how people surf the internet and provide more relevant adverts to each user.

Google intends to totally phase out the usage of third-party cookies in its browser by the end of 2023, a move that other browsers are likely to follow. The decision was made in response to increased customer aspirations for more privacy and control over their data online, as well as altering policies aimed at better enforcing those expectations.

Third-party data alternative

With minor modifications to how publishers handle data gathering and maintenance, data-driven, tailored advertising will remain effective. It will become even more critical for publishers to gather and use zero-party data (information that consumers have voluntarily contributed to your firm) in order to offer successful ad personalization.

Consumers are also more interested in ad monetization based on zero-party data. It may also be utilized to deliver extra benefits to customers, such as a more tailored experience from your content, in addition to allowing them more choice over how their data is used online. 87% of people are willing to provide businesses this information if it means more personalization for them.

ad monetization

Personalization expectations expanded

Changes in data management will have a significant influence on 2022 as a result of the growing desire for more targeted advertising. Satisfying this demand while also meeting increasing regulatory standards and data privacy demands would put pressure on publishers to stay up. Publishers should prioritize personalization not only because it is what customers desire, but also because it makes their platform more appealing to marketers. According to 88% of marketers, increasing customization leads to quantifiable increases in their performance.

Personalization goes beyond ad monetization

This shift implies a greater emphasis on persuading users to provide more information about their preferences and narrowing down the essential data points required for effective customization. After all, although customers want more control over and understanding of how firms use their data, they don’t want to waste time filling out lengthy opt-in forms.

On that note, publishers will need to consider the value proposition of delivering zero-party data to their users. Using customer data to offer more relevant content improves your customers’ interaction with your material right away. This is a great way to get people to do your opt-in, survey, or poll.

The emergence of Artificial Intelligence

Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) are on the verge of becoming commonplace across a wide range of digital businesses. Indeed, 85 percent of corporate leaders feel that adopting AI and machine learning will provide their organizations a competitive advantage in the future years. This leads to growing usage of machine learning and AI in ad monetization to enhance ad personalization, placement, and bidding procedures.

According to a survey by Deloitte, internet consumers are more likely to respond favorably to ads that are related to the material they are viewing and do not disturb it.

Web monetization challenge with invalid traffic

Invalid traffic, which comprises impressions or clicks that artificially inflate advertisers’ overall expenses while reducing publishers’ revenues, is a monetization challenge that nearly all publishers face. The issue is that these clicks and impressions are worthless and may result in AdSense suspensions. These clicks generated by automated tools and bots are meaningless because they do not result in genuine conversions or leads.

Detecting and mitigating ad fraud

Invalid traffic messes up the analytical data, making it harder for advertisers to plan campaigns and publishers to forecast inventory. As a result, if you see unusual traffic (such as a sudden rise in visitors or spam comments), you should take it carefully. Spam traffic reduces the value of a publisher’s ad inventory. Follow these guidelines to deal with Invalid Traffic:

  • Using tools like Google Analytics, you can audit your traffic and audience in categories depending on channels, location, device usage, and so on. You can also measure average session time to determine whether the traffic is human or bot traffic.
  • Stop purchasing bot traffic and start using excellent ad placement strategies.
  • Stop clicking on your own advertisements. Google can easily discover publisher clicks on ads via IP address tracking, resulting in a suspended AdSense account.
  • Combat ad fraud and get your traffic validated by firms that provide IVT detection and protection solutions that can aid in the elimination of ad viewability issues and non-human traffic before the advertisements load in real-time.
ad monetization


Advertisers cannot tailor their adverts to the right people if they try to be everything to everyone. Websites that cater to a particularly narrow demographic (such as young parents) will provide possibilities for advertisers to pay a premium to be seen by their target audience.

Concentrate on producing excellent content first, and the advertising will follow. The more satisfied your users are, the more visitors you will receive, the more views your ad units will receive, and the more money advertisers will pay for them. Basically, if visitors are satisfied, advertisers will be delighted.

The post Understanding Ad Monetization Challenges first appeared on Publir.

What are Ad Tags and How Do They Work? Mon, 04 Apr 2022 05:17:37 +0000 Have you heard the term ad tags? Do you know how they work? Read our latest blog to know about them and their functions.

The post What are Ad Tags and How Do They Work? first appeared on Publir.

ad tags

You may have heard about ad tags, but you’re still perplexed as to what they are and how they function. This is a phrase that is frequently used in the advertising technology sector. It’s usually the code that’s involved in providing the ad creative.

What are Ad Tags?

The term ad tag is often used and can apply to any link involved in the ad serving process, whether on the publisher or marketer side. Ad Tags are the JavaScript/HTML code that a browser executes to retrieve an advertising from an Ad Server – it is a redirect to content rather than the content itself. Ad tags serve as placeholders for the publisher’s ad creatives on the publisher’s website. These tags include information on the ad unit’s size, format, and other specifications. Ad tags provide various functions for various parties (advertisers, ad networks, ad servers, and third-party services).

An ad tag is in charge of creating the bid request, which is then sent to advertisers and agencies, through the ad server, notifying them about the user and his specifications so that the desired ad may be presented from the advertiser’s end via DSP. Ad tags are used by third-party services (such as data management systems) to gather user information and construct a detailed user profile.

How does ad tags work?

The answer to this question will vary greatly depending on the specific tag in question. At a higher level, all tags will typically function as follows:

• The user clicks on a webpage, which causes the page to load.

• The user’s browser will read the source code of the page that has been loaded. The various tags are inserted in the source code.

• When the browser reads the section containing the tag, it executes it.

• The only issue that may develop is if the tags are maintained by a tag management system or if they are piggybacking on another tag.

• If this happens, the original tag will be executed first, followed by the additional tags.

• The tag will gather data from the user, the URL, and the page. The collected data will be transmitted to a third party for processing and recording, resulting in web analytics and analytics reports.

• The structure of the majority of tags will be as follows:

The first portion explains where the data is going, and the final section explains what data has been obtained.

ad tags

What do ad tags look like?

An ad tag may reveal a lot about how an ad is placed on a website; if you look at the source code of any big publisher, you’ll almost certainly discover a real-life example of a functional ad tag. So, how do you figure out what the ad tag says regarding publisher hierarchy and ad targeting? Let’s take it one step at a time.

This is the structure of the DoubleClick ad tag, as well as the most widely used key-value pairs:;topic=abc;sbtpc=def;cat=ghi;kw=xyz;tile=1;slot=728×90.1;sz=728×90;ord=7268140825331981? — This is the Ad Server’s host address – you can see that it is not a publisher’s website, but rather an independent technological business that has nothing to do with content publication. In this case, DoubleClick is hosting the service for the publisher.

/ADJ — This code specifies a certain sort of ad request and what the answer can be, such as pictures, XML, or scripts.

publisher/— This is the stage at which a publisher’s identity is confirmed. To deliver the services, DoubleClick determines if the ‘publisher’ is a member of the DoubleClick network.

/zone — A zone is similar to a channel level. Because these content verticals are likely to attract a variety of advertisers, it’s critical for publishers to be able to target at this level of granularity.

topic=abc — the next in the hierarchy is topic level. You may use the topic level to tag information that is similar across zones. Games across many content verticals or within them, for example.

sbtpc=def — the subtopic level follows. You might use this to differentiate between sports games and adventure games, for example. Again, you can use this to target across or inside content verticals.

kw=xyz — the keyword segment is a means to characterize the page for contextual targeting rather than another level in the hierarchy. The advantage here is that several keywords are permitted.

tile=1 — For each ad call on a single page, this variable is assigned a unique value. If there are many tiles with the same value, the same ad will be displayed on all of them.

slot=72890.1 — This is used to organize the ad slots. If there are two leaderboard (72890) ad units on a page, these ad units will be assigned numbers (such as 72890.1 and 72890.2).

sz=72890 — This just indicates the ad unit’s size. The ad unit size in this case is 72890, which is equivalent to a leaderboard.

ord=7268140825331981 — this is a random value known as a cache-buster. Users frequently return to pages they’ve seen previously when they go back and forth between content pages, particularly navigational sites like the homepage. A random number is assigned to the ad tag in order to receive a unique view from the user and prevent the browser from seeing the same ad displayed from the browser cache.

ad tags

Wrap Up

Ad tags are crucial since they allow you to improve your campaigns automatically and target particular consumers. They assist you in changing the content of your ad based on the responses of your users, allowing you to get the most out of it. It’s past time to add tags into your website if you haven’t already. They are not difficult to make, but you may engage an expert to do it for you.

We hope we were able to clarify what ad tags are and how they function. If you work in digital marketing or advertising, you’re well aware that tags are critical to the successful operation of your business.

The post What are Ad Tags and How Do They Work? first appeared on Publir.

What are Multiplex Ads and How to Get Started with it? Tue, 29 Mar 2022 09:50:30 +0000 Are you competing for attention on the internet with your ads? Multiplex ads are a workable solution for publishers.

The post What are Multiplex Ads and How to Get Started with it? first appeared on Publir.

multiplex ads

Do you ever feel like you’re always competing for attention on the internet? It’s difficult to stand out in a crowd when there’s so much competition for attention. But don’t worry, there is a workable solution: multiplex ads. This new ad structure is intended to assist you in standing out and being noticed. While Multiplex ads are still relatively new, we wanted to get a head start on this ad style. In this article, we’ll look at the potential of multiplex ads, how to get started, and other topics.

Continue reading to learn about Multiplex ads, how they may offer value to publishers’ inventory, how to get started with them, and best practices for their deployment.

What are multiplex ads?

Multiplex advertisements, like content suggestion ads, are a sort of native ad format. Publishers can use them to show adverts that mix in with the rest of their website’s content. A multiplex ad integrates in with the existing content on your website, raising CTRs and providing a positive user experience.

Publishers can adjust the layout and appearance of their adverts using this format to match the look and feel of their website or app. Greater page visits, fewer bounce rates, more ad impressions, and increased ad income are all benefits of providing additional material to your users. Multiple ad placement possibilities, superior ad quality, and appropriate interaction with Google are all advantages for publishers.

Multiplex ads are often displayed in a grid style; however, the arrangement of the ads may be customized to meet your specific requirements. Ads for content recommendations are often placed underneath the content space. Publishers, on the other hand, may experiment with sponsored content advertisements using Google’s Multiplex Ads without worrying about the user experience.

Multiplex ads

What are the benefits of multiplex ads?

When it comes to presenting content suggestion advertising on their website, Multiplex Ads might be your hidden weapon. The following are some of the advantages of multiplex ads:

  • Since these ads are provided by Google, unlike other content suggestion ad providers, there are no restrictive contracts involved.

  • Because Google has the greatest pool of ad purchasers, publishers do not need to be concerned about the issue of blank impressions. They also provide improved brand protection by adhering to rigorous Google content restrictions.

  • Publishers do not need to be concerned about the quality of Multiplex ads presented on their websites because Google will ensure that high criteria are met. Publishers, on the other hand, can access the broadest pool of potential advertisers through Google, and they won’t have to worry about their Multiplex ad units running out of ad impressions.

  • It’s critical to strike the correct balance between advertising and the user experience when placing adverts on a website. Multiplex ad layouts allow consumers to continue to enjoy the website’s content while the advertising, which display at the bottom of the page, have no influence on the user’s experience. It’s a win-win situation for both you and your readers.

  • Using a new ad type to combat banner blindness is always a smart idea. Multiplex advertisements can aid in the reduction of banner blindness, which is a serious issue for many publishers. Users are less inclined to avoid them on the page since they appear to be native content.

How to get started with multiplex ads?

The method for putting up Multiplex ads on your website is identical to setting up native advertises in GAM. Once you have access to run Multiplex ads on your website, the process is similar to setting up native ads in GAM:

  • Go to your GAM account and log in.
  • Select Multiplex ad from the dropdown option on the Ad Manager main page under Delivery > Native > New native ad.
  • Google determines the ad layout by default, and the best-performing Multiplex ad layouts for both desktop and mobile devices are dynamically selected. You must disable the option “Let Google optimize layout” if you want to modify your ad.
  • After you’ve disabled the default configuration, choose a layout for the multiplex advertising. Google offers three layout options:
  • Single column (landscape image) — For mobile devices and desktop rail placements.
  • Single column (square image) — For mobile devices and desktop rail placements.
  • Multi-column (landscape image) – This option is only available for desktop layouts.
  • You can now either let Google choose the optimal font and color design for your advertising or modify the design yourself.
  • Finally, specify the targeting parameters for the Multiplex ads and select Save and Continue to continue. When configuring the targeting parameters, make sure they correspond to the targeting of the line item.
multiplex ads

Final thoughts

Multiplex advertising may be an excellent addition to your inventory and can increase your ad earnings. Before adopting Multiplex advertisements, it is strongly advised to weigh all of their benefits and drawbacks. Also, make certain that you follow best practices in order to get the most out of these adverts.

Contact your advertising partner to learn more about Multiplex advertisements, and make sure you follow best practices to get the most out of them before deploying them.

The post What are Multiplex Ads and How to Get Started with it? first appeared on Publir.

Guidelines to Help You Market your Blog in 2022 Fri, 25 Mar 2022 10:02:38 +0000 Do you know blogging is becoming popular in today’s world? Follow the tactics in our latest article to market your blog in 2022.

The post Guidelines to Help You Market your Blog in 2022 first appeared on Publir.


Since the growth of marketing, competition for blogging has always been at an all-time high. People nowadays abandon their jobs to pursue a career in blogging. This demonstrates how people are building a profession out of blogging. Indeed, many professional and successful bloggers have substantially influenced young people all over the world to choose blogging as their primary career path. However, blogging, like any other professional option, demands a significant amount of hard work, attention, drive, and a good mindset. Don’t enter the blogging profession expecting it to be a simple career path.

How to market your blog in 2022?

The competition is at an all-time high when it comes to blogging and it is never simple to achieve success in blogging, but by using the correct strategies, hard work, and a little luck on your side, you may be successful. If you have a blog but aren’t sure how to advertise it, you’ve come to the perfect place. The blogging success mantra has evolved significantly over time. In today’s world, you must use advanced tactics if you want to be successful at blogging to market your site in 2022.

Share content on social media

Going social is one of the most crucial ways to sell your blog in 2022. Simply share your content on different social media networks to create your business identity internationally. Furthermore, you may syndicate a large number of posts each week on networks such as LinkedIn, Medium, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and other minor platforms. The intriguing aspect about syndicating material is that it improves your blog’s SEO worth.

Guest blogging on popular blogs

Guest posting is essential for marketing one’s blog and gaining high-quality backlinks to one’s website. Guest posting has grown in popularity in recent years as a consequence of the benefits it provides to bloggers. Bloggers utilize guest blogging to improve blog traffic by writing a piece to publish on another blogger’s site. It may also be described as a method of increasing website traffic. In today’s digital environment, guest blogging is highly popular. It also assists marketers in marketing their content and items in the market. Make sure to undertake guest writing on high domain authority websites to see your blog skyrocket.


Grow your blogger network

An effective way to promote your blog is to establish a connection or network with other bloggers. You may not be able to advertise your blog if you keep it to yourself and a small number of visitors. It is crucial to establish relationships in this situation. And it’s here that you’ll need to establish a connection with other bloggers. You’ll acquire a lot of traffic, quality backlinks, and visibility if you network your site with other well-known bloggers. You may connect with these bloggers by following them on Facebook or Twitter and leaving frequent comments on their most recent blog entries.

Increase visibility through popular forums

If you think you are an expert in your sector or niche, you must participate in major specialized forums on a regular basis. Actively participate in the forum to help you establish a quality network of individuals who are interested in both your forum and blog activities. As you develop popularity in the forum, they will follow you on social media and return to your site on a regular basis. You can also communicate with other forum users by becoming Facebook friends with them or following them on Twitter to expand your network.

Optimize your blog posts on search engines

After you’ve set up your blog, the next step to follow is to begin optimizing your content for search engines. Search Engines account for around 60-70% of the traffic produced by top-tier blogs all over the world. As a result, it is critical to optimize each of your blog entries for search engines before hitting the publish button. Before you begin writing an article about a specific topic, conduct a comprehensive keyword analysis utilizing various keyword tools available on the internet. Find the perfect keywords that have the potential to create a lot of traffic while also being simple to rank on multiple search engines.

Make videos from blog posts

If your blog article is getting a lot of traffic, you may aim to rank in YouTube’s search features as well to quadruple your chances of getting free exposure. Internet consumers are becoming increasingly interested in visual material rather than textual content, and they prefer to consume content from social media over blogs. Marketers nowadays talk a lot about video marketing, video blogging (vlog), and other similar topics. In the last several years, almost 60% of marketers and small company owners claimed they would boost their investment in video marketing. This is a simple and efficient approach to share your content with the rest of the world.


Final Thoughts

In today’s competitive world, blogging has become one of the most sought-after careers. If you want to make a career in this industry, a marketing blog will be essential in 2021. All of the important methods that you must follow if you operate a blog and want to establish yourself as a professional blogger are listed above. These marketing strategies will assist you in building an influential and profitable brand around your blog.

The post Guidelines to Help You Market your Blog in 2022 first appeared on Publir.

Everything to know about Media Trading Fri, 11 Feb 2022 07:36:33 +0000 Have you ever come across the term media trading and wanted to know more about it? Read how crucial media trading is in programmatic advertising, and more in the blog!

The post Everything to know about Media Trading first appeared on Publir.

Media trading is the practice of purchasing advertising space, such as in case of banners, packages, videos, native advertisements, audio, etc, in real-time via the use of automated auctions, like real-time bidding, on websites that make all or a portion of their inventory accessible on marketplaces.

Programmatic media trading is the real-time purchase of digital advertising space through an automated auction, like real-time bidding. Sites that wish to sell advertising space via this form of auction usually do so through a marketplace or ad exchange. 

Advertisers may target the audiences they desire using a marketer, which is based on the value of the impression. Although just 61% of marketers feel their marketing strategy is successful. On the supply side, it enables publishers to attract higher-paying advertisers, as the higher the demand for your site’s audience, the higher the cost per impression.

What does a Media Trader do?

Media Trading

The word “Trader” is used in the digital advertising business to describe someone who handles real-time ad campaigns using a Direct Service Platform (DSP). An industry expert who buys and sells commodities, currency, or financial instruments is referred to as a media trader. The finest media traders have a thorough awareness of what they are trading as well as the overall ecosystem. Media traders must have strong analytical and data mining abilities in order to acquire and sell advertising space.

A media trader is a professional that manages the digital budget allotted to them in RTB scenarios. A media trader must know where to acquire inventory for an advertiser in order to satisfy the campaign’s objectives and return on investment (ROI).

Media traders help advertisers get the most out of their digital spending by matching them with their business objectives. To guarantee that the advertiser’s goals are satisfied, they develop real-time bidding and sponsored search strategies and apply them in digital media purchasing platforms.

Responsibilities of a Media Trader

When running real-time bidding (RTB) campaign, a media trader has four primary responsibilities:

  1. Understand the market: Media traders must be aware of the market in which impressions are generated. They choose the approach they will employ, including retargeting, prospecting, contextual targeting, and other tactics.
  1. Oversee ad operations: this is the technical part of launching advertising, including ad placement limits and attribution management.
  2. Trading: it includes overseeing a campaign, purchasing advertisements, reviewing reports, and making modifications to the targeting. It is the trader’s obligation to achieve the greatest possible outcome, with the largest potential return on investment (ROI) from the marketing campaign.
  3. Reporting: The media trader compiles all of the data from the platform analytics and gives insights into the major factors of the performance.

What is a Media Trading platform?

A trading platform is a software that allows investors and traders to place deals and keep track of their accounts without the need for financial intermediaries. Trading systems are frequently packaged with additional services including real-time quotations, charting tools, news feeds, and even paid research. Platforms can also be customized for individual markets, such as equities, currencies, options, and futures markets.

The media trading platform enables two-way transactional exchange traffic between media buyers and media owner systems in real-time. To ensure security, every communication is encrypted using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) or equivalent technologies. A media buyer can use the media buyer system to access a set of media buyer services provided by the media trading platform. Offerings that support each workflow interaction with media owners are included in the services.

What is the meaning of Media Buying?

The process of purchasing advertising space in numerous media locations is known as media buying. Print magazines and newspapers, as well as billboards and television spots, are examples of media locations. It occasionally contains online advertising space, although it is sometimes addressed independently. Media buying platforms are specialized ad purchasing platforms where you may buy ad space on different types of media.

According to eMarketer, roughly 83% of companies in the United States buy media programmatically because it allows brands, marketers, and media buyers to put advertisements in a real-time bidding auction with the utmost targeting precision.

Effective media buying entails much more than simply exchanging money for ad space. Media purchasing teams may build strong connections with media owners, resulting in more reach for less money. This allows marketing teams to enhance conversions and show customers and stakeholders a strong return on investment.

The art of media buying is complex, with a lot of emphasis on finding the best ad placement for consumer experience and conversion. Media teams may better optimize budget and plan by staying up to date on the latest media buying methods and negotiating tactics.

Digital media buying entails far more than simply designing an attractive banner or purchasing ad space. A brand may create the most wonderful advertisement in the world, yet it would be completely useless if no one saw it. And you don’t want just everyone to see the ad; you want the individuals who are most likely to be interested to see it — your target audience.

What is a Media Buying company?

Media buying companies often concentrate on media strategy and media planning, which may be one component of an entire marketing plan developed by a corporation or its ad agency. Simply put, media buying companies are the firms in charge of monitoring the implementation of advertising campaigns by choosing where advertisements will appear, through the process of media planning, and then negotiating fees with media owners such as broadcasters and publishers, via media buying. They are increasingly interested in allied fields such as product placement and sponsorship.

Media buying companies perform many functions. The major functions are:

  • They determine the most appropriate time period, identify markets for reaching the target audience, and offer a budget to meet a client’s objectives.
  • Because of the tracking, it does for ad campaigns, a media agency may have unique insights about the target population.
  • Media buying companies have significant ties with publishers that they may use to offer customers better pricing and value-added placements.


When it comes to media trading platforms, publishers and marketers cannot afford to be blind. Platforms for programmatic advertising must deliver a highly tailored user experience while also maximizing revenue via transparency. Choosing cost-effective solutions powered by cutting-edge technology will help you fine-tune your media-trading strategy and propel your company to new heights in a timely and efficient manner.

Media buying takes a long time. Media buyers don’t want to waste their budget on something that doesn’t work. As a result, the location of ad exposure has a significant impact on the campaign’s performance. Be specific about your goals when purchasing media, and select the best channel for your marketing campaign.

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The post Everything to know about Media Trading first appeared on Publir.

An Introduction To Domain Privacy – How Do You Implement It? Wed, 12 Jan 2022 11:30:15 +0000 Domain privacy is an important aspect of web browsing. Website owners need to declare personal information to purchase domain names. Without domain privacy, these details might become public so keeping them hidden is vital. Read on to know more!

The post An Introduction To Domain Privacy – How Do You Implement It? first appeared on Publir.

A domain name is of utmost importance because it is the element of your site that is the most public. It is the visible address of your website, hiding it is a terrible idea. However, the personal information that you give to your registrar can be limited. Domain privacy could help in this regard. Every domain has to have a buyer. This information is public, and that isn’t good. In this article, we shall tackle domain privacy, specifically how to purchase a domain and apply privacy to your information. 

What is Domain Privacy? 

Domain Privacy

For any purchase on the internet, some important information like payment details and billing information might be shared. However, some of these are optional. If you wish to buy a domain through a registrar, here are some simple steps you follow to complete the transaction. The information often given out is your name, an email address, a business address, and telephone contact details. The information that you give out is not always private. 

Why Domain Privacy is Required for All Websites?

Privacy is an important part of the web and for users in general. Domain privacy is very important given that there are two billion live websites. That means scores of domain names, with a lot of public user information attached to them. The WHOIS database contains information about every single domain. Domain privacy is required as it can protect your personal and contact information from being public. You’ll face less spam in your inbox or via phone because a lot of people use the WHOIS database as a cold calling list. Malicious users can’t steal your domain, and you have some legal protection. 

The WHOIS Database

A non-profit organization that coordinates and maintains the namespaces on the internet, ICANN or the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers keeps the net stable and secure courtesy of its IP (Internet Protocol) address management, and DNS (Domain Name Server) root. ICANN controls the registration of domain names, requiring all site owners to register full contact details for each domain owned. This data is made public on the WHOIS database. 

How To Check Whether Your Domains Have Privacy Protection?

Before implementing domain privacy on your site, check whether it’s there in the first place. You may have chosen it at checkout and forgotten, or it may be an automatic application. Visit the WHOIS database, and enter your domain name in the search bar. If you click the ‘search’ option, you’ll land upon the WHOIS entry for the domain. Under the ‘Domain Information section, you might see details regarding the domain name, registrar, and registry dates. You may not know whether you have domain privacy. You need to scroll down to the Registrant Contract, Administrative Contract, or Technical Contact Sections. The details may differ depending on the registrar and domain privacy employed. The important elements to watch out for are 

An email address that appears to be forwarding messages, and a name and contact address that appears generic and is not yours.  

This might indicate that domain privacy is switched on. If any of your details aren’t visible on this screen, you might want to learn to apply domain privacy.

4 Main Domain Privacy Tools and Services 

Domain registrars might provide privacy services at the checkout stage. Here we break down 4 different domain registrars or services offering domain privacy amongst other offerings. 

Your Own Domain Registrar 

Website owners often have domain names to go with. You might want to choose which type of domain privacy you may access. Your current registrar might be the best place to start as it may offer the least resistance in implementing domain privacy. There will be many tools for domain management regardless of your task. While there may not be an explicit ‘domain privacy’ option, you’ll find Domain Ownership Protection (DOP). In such a way, several services come bundled at a premium price. You get WHOIS domain privacy and the ability to ‘lock’ the domain. You can thus avoid common mistakes like domain transfer, changing the domain’s personal information, or domain renewal cancellation. For activating something like DOP, you have to do it at the time of purchase. 

Google Domains 

This is a great way to buy and manage all domains, with familiar dashboards and decent pricing. Google Workspace users might find this to be the ideal domain registrar. It handles domain privacy using Privacy Protection, which is free and can be applied at checkout as standard. You can also view terms of service on the ‘domain overview’ page. You will also find a note that indicates whether privacy protection is active. 


This firm specializes in cost-effective domain names. You will find lots of TLDs, and the dashboard boasts ease of use. When it comes to managing domains, the registrar is easy to use. You can easily add records and change nameservers. There’s a common domain registrar derived from price, TLD availability, and usability. You can see which of your domains has privacy activated. The ‘shield’ logo is on each domain in a dedicated column.

Hover over that shield and you can see whether domain privacy is explicitly active. You can further expand each domain using the ‘arrow’ icon, seeing further details on how the domain privacy setup works. Namecheap gives you three different ways to view domain privacy. 

Cloudflare Registrar 

This is a service for registering domain names, offering similar services to other domain name registrars, but with more security features. You get free two-factor authentication and private WHOIS management. You get to keep your domain and personal information secure, and you don’t have to purchase add-on services to do so. Domain names managed through Cloudflare tie into many products and services like Cloudflare CDN, DNS, and SSL. 

Purchasing and Applying Domain Privacy For Your Website 

Find and add your domain name to the cart. 

Move to the checkout screen, where you can see the option to add domain privacy to your order. 

Here you might notice that domain privacy is toggled as enabled as standard, also set to auto-renew. 

You can continue with your purchase, and complete the transaction, using the Bulk Settings dropdown to apply the domain privacy settings to all domains in your cart. 

Final Thoughts

That’s all when it comes to domain protection and privacy. For most registrars, it is toggled on as standard, so there’s little else you’ll need to do apart from going through the renewal process in case you have not opted for auto-renewal.In conclusion, privacy is an important aspect of web browsing. Website owners need to declare personal information to purchase domain names. Without domain privacy, these details might become public so keeping them hidden is vital. Thankfully, this process is simple. For most registrars, all you do is toggle a switch for domain privacy. While some might offer this for free, some might charge a fee. That’s the only difference. Read our blog on internet privacy and device fingerprinting to learn about how you can protect your privacy online.

The post An Introduction To Domain Privacy – How Do You Implement It? first appeared on Publir.
