1. Streaming Giants’ Social Media Ad Spend Is On Rise In Q3 (MediaPost) According to BrandTotal, premium streaming platforms are spending on social media to attract young consumers. From June 23 to September 20, Disney+, HBO Max, and Hulu have spent 30%, 23%, and 21% respectively on social media. YouTube grabbed 59% of ad impressions, followed by Twitter (32%), Facebook (7%), and Instagram (2%). 2. Google Seeks Search Deal For TikTok And Instagram Videos (TheInformation) Google is in discussion with ByteDance and Facebook to secure a deal to index and rank TikTok and Instagram videos on Google Search. At present, viewers are getting a preview of low-quality copies of TikTok and Instagram videos on YouTube. The deal, if successful, will get the best quality TikTok and Instagram videos in Google search. 3. Microsoft Enables “Purpose” Attribute In Advertising (MediaPost) Microsoft Advertising has added ‘Purpose’ attributes in advertising that allow businesses to demonstrate how their brand values align with the values of their customers and allow companies to show how they are inclusive. This feature helps brands to build trust according to Microsoft Advertising, working for more than a year on this feature. 4. YouTube To Lower Subscription Fee $10 A Month Without NBCU Channels (Variety) NBCUniversal announced to its customers with YouTube TV on Sunday that beginning October, they may not get 14 of its networks, including local NBC channels, as the deal ends by September 30. YouTube responded to this announcement saying it would reduce the subscription fee by $10 per month if it fails to strike a deal with NBCU’s increased charges. 5. Nielson’s New Techniques To Help Brands Measure Sports Metrics (AdExchager) Nielsen has heralded a new era in sports analytics by announcing a transparent and accurate way of measuring sports viewership, lacking for decades. Brands can clearly assess the value of the investment in sports sponsorships using this alternative technique. This adds significance where social media highlights dominate linear TV. 6. Robolex To Launch A New Listening Party In Metaverse (AdAge) Roblox, with 48.2 million daily average users in August, is aiming to launch new Listening Parties to attract musicians into the metaverse. This allows artists to debut a new album in certain Roblox experiences that lasts for many days. It also enables them to customize virtual experiences for their fans and broaden their reach to younger audiences. 7. IAC To Acquire Meredith’s Magazine And Digital Assets For $2.7B (Variety) Barry Diller, the Chairman of the IAC digital media, is in discussion with Meredith to buy its magazine and digital businesses for over $2.5 billion. Meredith, known for its lifestyle brands catering to female audiences, has already agreed to sell its local TV to Gray TV for $2.7 billion earlier this year. |