1. Emails Ranked Second As A Customer Support Channel (MediaPost) Email is used by 77% of customer support teams, second only to phone, with 83%, according to Hiver’s Customer Service Benchmark Report: 2021. Email is fairly popular with 23%, saying it is their busiest support channel, versus 44% for phone, and 10% for a chat. 60% acknowledged getting a fast response within three hours for email queries. 2. Companies To Spend More On “Branded Search” For Ecommerce Success (AdAge) With 64% of online retail sales starting with a branded search in 2020, companies have to spend more on “Brand Search” to bolster their presence in the crowded eCommerce ecosystem. More than 30,000 new brands were added to the US eCommerce marketplace in 2020, and brands are forced to spend more to create consumer awareness and market share. 3. TikTok Testing Stories, A Feature That Assures User Privacy (AdAge) TikTok is testing a new video Stories feature, borrowed from Snapchat. It arrives just at a time when Twitter shutdown Fleets. TikTok Stories allows users to share personal video diaries that did not linger on the internet forever, offering a degree of privacy, and they are automatically erased after a day. 4. Pan-African Outlet Sending Free Weekly PDF To 11K Subscribers (NiemanLab) The Continent is a pan-African weekly published via WhatsApp and Signal and meant to be read on a mobile device, with primarily short news items ranging from 250 to 400 words and a few lengthier pieces ranging from 900 words. The Continent has now published 53 editions and has over 11,000 weekly subscribers who receive it for free. 5. Snapchat’s Segmentation Strategy Generated Leads In Post-IDFA World (AdWeek) Apple’s decision to terminate app tracking in iOS14.5 posed challenges for everyone working in mobile user acquisition. Snapchat emerged as a leader in lead generation by segmenting its users as iOS14.5 users and users of the older operating systems. Ads targeting users on older operating systems worked well for Snapchat, posing reduced disruption 6. HBO Max’s Exclusive In-App Podcast To Start With Batman Series (TheVerge) HBO Max wants its app not just a place for big movie premieres, but also for podcasts. The company announced its plans to release a new Batman podcast, Batman: The Audio Adventures, as an in-app exclusive. This would not be available on other podcasting apps or through an RSS feed. 7. LinkedIn To Get Third Of US Digital Display Ad Revenue In 2021 (EMarketer) LinkedIn’s Marketing Solutions for B2Bs audiences fetched $1.29 billion in ad revenue in 2020, with 31.3% growth. In 2021, LinkedIn’s US display ad spending will be 32.2%, to reach $5.09 billion. Its Marketing Solution’s self-service dashboard, Campaign Manager, Sponsored Content, InMail, and Lead Generation are the growth engines this year. |